The Difference

between show and showmanship.

between going through the motions and owning the arena.

between entering a competition and emerging as a champion.

Congratulations . . .

2022 Lvl 2 World Champion Sr Western Riding
Robin Frid and VS Top Gun
Owned by Annie Oldfather

2022 Res World Champion Lvl 3 Am Showmanship
Annie Oldfather and One Exclusive Cookie

2022 lvl 3 and lvl 2 World Champion Perfromance Mares
5th non Pro Lvl 1 Horsemanship

8th lvl 3 am horsemanship

Katie Jo Jones and Im Extremelyschmancy 

2022 5th lvl 2 am horsemanship
7th lvl 3 am showmanship
Finalist Lvl 3 am equitation
Beckie Peskin and Amblin So Lazy

2022 Lvl 3 res world champion am equitation
Lvl 2 res world champion am horsemanship
Parris Rice and It’s Southern Blues

2022 Lvl 2 am showmanship bronze winner
Lvl 3 am showmanship 11th
Lvl 2 am horsemanship 15th
Non pro lvl 1 horsemanship 8th
John Whitney and Likely Machine Made

2022 lvl 2 am showmanship 15 th
Erika Whitney and Ultimate Ryde

From beginning to winning …

A two part video series, buy online and watch on your computer, mobile device, or smart tv.




This is the very foundation of what Showmanship is all about for the horse. Use this video in teaching the very basics of Showmanship including, giving to pressure, walk, trot and stop on a straight line, as well as foot control while introducing the set up.



Take your green showmanship horse one step further with The Basics Part 2. Start introducing the back as well as laying the foundation for a proper pivot!

Welcome to Robin Frid Show Horses


A year round training facility dedicated to clients and their horses.


Robin Frid Show Horses is committed to creating individualized programs designed to achieve each clients’ goals, build strong work ethics, reinforce respect for self, and celebrate the love of horses as well as the sport of competition.

Latest News

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  • Invisible Guidance

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  • Decoding Men’s Show Pen Fashion with Jenny Jordan

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Meet Us

Based in Argyle, Texas, Robin opened his championship winning training facility in 2006. A 25-year veteran of the competitive circuit, he and his business partner and wife, Jenny, have since produced some of the most talented and awarded horsewomen and men in the last two decades.



Thank you for all your support!